Abaya Dubai

Abaya Dubai

Oriental fashion is delivered from one region to another, from one country to another, but each time, in a different form.

Each outfit has its history, has its characteristics, it travels through the world but also through time.

In this article, we will focus on the Gulf countries and their feminine dress...an ancestral dress.

Yes my dear, on the agenda, the Abaya.

This long, loose fitting and traditionally black garment comes straight from the Middle East, where women wear it daily. And for good reason, this dress simply slips on over other clothes...Practical for going out 😉

Its origins are very distant...It was the garment of women of ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia (Iraq). The abaya would have about 4000 years and not a wrinkle 😉


Comfortable and light, the Abaya has long sleeves and a wide, flared cut that hides the shape.

It is in perfect agreement with the principle of modesty of the woman, it is besides what explains such a success near the Moslem community.

Different types of abayas exist (these are actually regional differences)

There is, for example, the Saudi Abaya, black with a straight cut or the Abaya Dubai (also called Abaya Khalijia), which is much more curved and sometimes much more sophisticated.


For a few years now, the Abaya has integrated the Haute-Couture sector and is the subject of events dedicated to fashion. Real luxury models are made with the most prestigious fabrics.

The Abaya is embellished and decorated with beads, embroidery ...

Dubai Fashion Week is one of the events not to be missed. It promotes the work of designers from various backgrounds who have made the Abaya their specialty.


Among them, we can mention Amal Murad, or the French Judith Duriez, who presented beautiful collections.

Modesty and elegance are a perfect match! See you in our Abaya online store

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24 Replies to “Abaya Dubai”

  1. Nass

    Salam I would like to see your collection of abaya how can I do?

  2. hamdan bulelo

    Assalam aleykum! I'm really interested in abayas, it's very nice. Our future wives will be really seduced by it insha Allah!

  3. Chamrouk

    Salem, I would also like you to let me know when the new collection is ready chokrane!!!

  4. mrs akermi

    Do you have a store in Paris?

  5. Fatiha

    salam alaikoum, the 'abaya dubai' are very nice, I would like to know the price and if you are going to have any? Also, I would like to know about your new collection ....
    barakallahoufikoum and ramadan Mubarak said.
    Fatiha from Vienna.

  6. Fatima

    I wish to know when the new collection of caftan 2015 will be available... I am interested but I hesitate.

  7. soria

    Salam 3likom I would like to be informed by your new arrival thank you in advance

  8. abayasdubai

    If the photos posted on this page correspond to the new collections, I am interested

  9. Leila

    Can't wait to see the next Abaya collection insha Allah!

  10. bochra

    I hope to see the next collection of abaya

  11. afiban

    Could I have the models and prices?

  12. Amel

    Good morning, sir,

    I would like to discover your collection and your prices.

    Thank you in advance

  13. Ben


    Very interested in the abaya collection
    Waiting to see the models and prices
    See you soon

  14. Khadija

    I would like to see the abayas and rates (for Ramadan) إن شاء الله

  15. lana

    Salam alykoum I would like to be kept informed when the abaya are available Baraka allahu fik

  16. Samira

    Salam alikoum could you please inform me about the new collection

  17. Arif

    Salam let me know when es abaya is available. Thank you

  18. Samira

    Salem alikoum please contact me for the next collection thank you

  19. Oujab

    Salem thank you for contacting me as soon as your collection is available InchaAllah thank you

  20. Ahcia

    I would love to see your collection and other prizes please

  21. Fathia

    Good evening,
    I would like to see your collection and prices please
    Thank you

  22. mariouma

    good evening I would like to see your collection of abaya Dubai and the prices please
    thank you

  23. nawel

    Good evening I would like to see your collection of abaya Dubai

  24. fathia

    Hello, I would like to know when the new collection will be available I am interested

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